Julia Tao
The ABC participants took a red-eye plane flight from LAX to Belize City. After a few hours of driving, we checked in at Sunset Pointe in Placencia, Belize. The doctors then taught the students the methods of checking for vital signs. Dr. Zhang-Cheng Our very first Agape Belize Cure team arrived in the Belize city airport. After over night flight from Los Angeles, everyone was tired but very excited. Our team was composed of Dr. Mary Tao pediatrician, Dr Jessie Zhang Family Medicine, Dr Brian Im Emergency Medicine, and last minute joined by Dr Wei dentist. The student organizers are Julia Tao and Nathan Cheng, co-presidents of ABC and secretaries, Ryan Tao and Matthew Cheng co-VP and treasures. At the airport custom check point, a Belize officer checked through our luggage with lots of medications. Initially he wanted us to pay environmental tax for $30. Then he started flipping through the Gideon bibles we brought. We told him that he can keep one to read. He was very happy and let us through the custom without paying any money. After picked up a van from the airport, we drove to get empanadas from a local bakery. We met a Boyscout leader and his daughter. He told us that the Belize Boy Scouts can train and lead all the way to 23 years old. His neckerchief was a gift from Japan. We stopped by a Belizean Ivan's house. Dr Mary checked out his new born daughter's rash and helped his aunt and grandmother as well. After 5 hours of van ride in the heat, we arrived at Pointe Placencia in Stann Creek, Southern Belize. We went to this restaurant called Wendy's to eat lunch, then nate caught 2 small fish but released them due to their size. After dinner, we got icecream made of real fruits. The flyer on the wall is about our clinics which will start tomorrow.